It always takes so long to get here, and always goes by in a blink. The Cowgirls' annual Possum Kingdom lake weekend, was by all accounts, a bit more successful than last year's.
- I didn't wreck the boat into the dock.
- I didn't run the boat over a dock cable that got sucked up into the prop requiring substantial repairs.
- I didn't fling the girls out of the tube so quickly that one gave another a big bruise on her forehead.
- I put worms on hooks. And removed the remains of worms that the fish turned down.
- I took a crappie off the hook and only screamed a little while he flopped around.
- I learned what a kill switch is and why it's required for boat operation.
This list is beginning to feel like it's all about me.
But it's really all about these girls. They mean the world to me and I am so grateful we can find this time to spend together each summer -- relaxing, cooking, inventing cocktails, floating on the boat or off the dock, looking up at the stars together and solving all of the world's problems. We never seem to run out of conversation, laughs, hugs or good-natured eye rolls. I think it's rare to find such a group of friends that are always supportive, never judgemental, and ever-willing to tell it like it is when that's what you need to hear.
Aside from all being really awesome people, I'd also like to point out how great these ladies are when it comes to serving up a beautiful meal, paired with just the right bubbly.
I'm pretty sure that when Jill was dreaming up her wish list of places to have a Baby Sprinkle, Possum Hollow was at the TOP. She was a wonderful sport and made everyone's night at the local dive.
We made a gametime decision to bench the tube and pull out the kneeboard for this summer's watersport adventure. Solid decision!
Without further ado, and in alphabetical order....
The 2018 Awesome Possum Kingdom Superlative Awards!
Ashlee** -- Most Likely To Kiss a (Stuffed) Possum's Bottom for the Sake of a Photo
Elizabeth -- Least Likely to Eat a Doritos Salad at Any Gathering
Jill** -- Most Likely to Soldier Through a Weekend with Inebriated Friends Like a Saint
Megan -- Most Likely to Spend the Night with the Rubber Dockie
Micki -- Most Likely to Discover Jewelry In Her Swimsuit
Vivian -- Most Likely To Haul @ss Out of the Lake After a Snake Sighting
**Runners Up for Most Likely to Win a Charcuterie and Cheese Spread Competition