Ella read this post and was incensed that I called the baby goats baby lambs. I am so so so sorry. She will be proofing all future posts.
New year, new goals! When I first started these posts, Ella was a toddler and they went up every week, or sometimes every two. This year, my goal is to get four posts completed. Which would be better than zero.
Hanging in there. That's my personal theme for 2018. :)
Like they say at Llama Productions: Trying Hard Every Day to Suck Less.
Kate turned 17.
I can't. We can't. None of us can.
Ella played indoor soccer this winter. Under horrible lighting conditions.
And when Ella got sick (unrelated to poor indoor soccer lighting), the boys set up target practice as close to where she was trying to watch a movie as possible.
Brothers are the best.
The Cuestas came for a visit, and we took them to see cows, and chickens, and lambs (in leotards), and questionably constructed carnival rides.
Ella loved the Ferris Wheel; Michael was undecided.
But the day was redeemed when everyone got to hold a baby lamb.
And then we went to our favorite lunch spot beside the Trinity River.
The next day, we went to see cows at the farm.
Valentine's Day came and went, with the usual classroom party shenanigans.
Michael couldn't resist sneaking a (not very sneaky) video of his sister and a friend playing Just Dance!
Baseball is back in season and Henry is in hog heaven. Sometimes though, he gets a little distracted in the outfield.
But coach is pretty good about getting him back on task.
There's always one that has to be different.
Outdoor soccer is also back in season. Go Hurricanes!
Again, sometimes Henry is super engaged and ready to play.
Other times, the dirt is more interesting and we're just waiting for him to get smacked in the head with a ball. Thank goodness for protective gear.
Easter egg hunt!
This year's Easter family photo involved one less broken toe, but the photographer still needs to work on her Self Timer skills. At least this is a patient group.
Batter up!