Following a second set of x-rays last week, we learned Ella is still nursing a broken toe and will be out for at least another month. While it's nice to have our Sunday afternoons free for a while longer, we do enjoy watching the kids play. Luckily, Michael is trying out soccer while taking a T-ball break for the fall and his season just started. We think it suits him pretty well.
Read: Lots of running and channeling his crazy energy. Yessssss.
There are still some basics to work through. Such as who is and is not on your own team.
It was blazing hot on the sidelines, but we made it. Next time, we need a bigger umbrella.
It was a good game.
Saturday morning, we headed back to the Perot Museum for a quick visit. I couldn't figure out how to get my camera out of manual mode, so it spent more time in the bag than usual. Oh well.
First, I had some help with our morning pancakes.
You can kind of see the reason for our double-tooth Tooth Fairy visit earlier this week in this one.
Figured out my auto-focus issues on the way home. Thank you, Google.