By a stroke of dumb luck, Michael's birthday falls just after the September 1 cut-off date for school, so we never had to enter into the dreaded Kindergarten Red-Shirting debate. It has another side benefit, too: Being the first kid in class to celebrate your birthday means no comparing what your mom did (or didn't) do for your classmates with Susie or Joe who had a birthday last month. Phew.
While I fell down on the classroom celebration -- they don't allow baked goods in class anymore, so I'm telling myself that giving out a bunch of pencils won't exactly be missed -- we did have a really good time celebrating a little early on Saturday with family.
Of course, me feeling weepy about yet another birthday milestone passing, I had to go look up old posts for Michael's birthdays. When I started this photoblog adventure in 2010, I did not one but two second birthday posts. (Clearly, back then, I was a better mommy who covered both the home and classroom parties.)
If you're not immediately bored with Memory Lane, here's when he turned three, four and five. Geeze, I even managed to do a school party last year, too.
I'll do better for age seven.
Promise, dude.
As soon as we got home, the big kids made a bee line for the stack of presents Michael opened earlier in the day. Those LEGO boxes didn't stand a chance.
It was a really good day.
Happy birthday to our birthday boy (for real today)! We love you more than words, images and squishy hugs could ever convey.