After a few months with far more travel than normal, we're enjoying a few uninterrupted weeks at home. It's been a nice change of pace and my dusty to-do list is benefiting a little. Unfortunately, the next big item is getting our tax paperwork together and I'm running out of excuses to avoid it altogether. (Help, anyone?)
Michael was recently inspired to 'hang a shingle' and formalize branding for his bedroom. If you get there early, the cover charge is pretty reasonable.
We've since upgraded his desk to allow more room for the very serious projects he likes to take on between bedtime and lights-out time. This kiddo's brain takes a while to wind down at the end of the day.
The annual preschool egg hunt is a sight to behold.
The annual tradition. This time, no major spills or fist-fights happened so we're calling it a win.
The Easter Bunny brought marigolds and herbs this year!
The Hunt.
Oh yes, I did. I subjected all of our Texas family to a group portrait. And we'll do it all again when we can include Aunt Sandy, Aunt Maureen and Uncle Mel.
The lucky devils.
Nice faces.
Silly faces.
Where's Waldo?
I believe this excitement was over the pastel-colored deviled eggs, courtesy of Mamaw. (Yum.)
Happy birthday to Aunt Molly! And yes, this was The Cake. Or, well, the second one.
Henry took over my camera for a little while during cake-and-cards time. I kind of liked this one.
Apparently my constant singing on the way home didn't keep Henry awake.
I'll try harder next time.