Looking back at March, sitting here on the 31st, I'm confident that the month was actually three crammed into one. And I'm listening to Ingrid Michaelson sing "..all we can do is keep breathing!.." and it feels like little angels have taken over my Pandora station. And I am grateful.
I'm also grateful for our incredible nanny who, contrary to what you may suspect based on the photo below, had never painted a face before in her life. But the kids got excited about the idea, and she found a way to fit it in to one crazy afternoon.
Early in the month we were hit with not one, but two, snow and ice storms. They weren't exactly what the Northeast saw this year, but we certainly were feeling the absence of any good snow-worthy apparel in this house at the time.
Our nephew is growing by leaps and bounds (aren't they all??) and, although Henry refused to participate in the family photo opp after his cousin's Confirmation, we felt this one belonged in the 'win' column. Michael's pants don't even have holes in them.
We are so blessed to have so many occasions for cake. I mean, so many occasions for celebrating all of the loved ones in our lives. We were very sorry that Uncle Mel had to miss his shared party with Uncle Clif, but we found a way to make it feel like he and Aunt Maureen were right there with us. It was the least we could do, considering we opened all of his cards without him.
Yay! Birthday!
Family movie night is quickly becoming a favorite tradition -- don't worry, the hot chocolate and popcorn were on the way. They weren't impatient at all.
Just before I abandoned everyone for nine days, we squeezed in a four-day weekend at Pokagon at the start of the kids' Spring Break week.
We treasure every age and stage of these kids' lives. It's hard to believe this one is already in braces (and pretending like she doesn't absolutely adore having them.)
You know how badly it hurts when jam your knee into a table leg that you didn't know was there? I feel that way when we schlep kids, chairs, blankets and bags out to the soccer fields only to realize my camera is sitting at home. While I was able to capture some of Ella's games this month, poor Michael was left out. I'll make it up to our little Minion next month.
When your three-year old pulls out a chair, settles himself in, tells you where to stand -- no, sit...no, stand -- and to take his picture already, you, well, you take his picture. We love our little dictator...I mean art director.
In my next career, I'm going to invent a zoom lens that fits through a chain link fence.
Fun is: a trip to the zoo with the Kindergarten crew. No rules were broken, either. Notta one.
My sorority chapter's 50th anniversary celebration fell on the last weekend of the month. In case I didn't sufficiently spam the universe with Instagram photos from Friday and Saturday in Athens, here are a couple more.