Bubbles and a Near Run-In with the Rodeo

Henry's getting more independent every day.  Clearly he doesn't know how much this bothers me, or he'd cut it out. 

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Yesterday, Wes had to work and I agreed to take the kids down to the Science and History museum.  Even better, we convinced Aunt Amy and Drew into coming along for the ride.  Unfortunately, we were in the dark about the giant parking jam caused by the Coliseum next door and the Stock Show/Rodeo/Fair/Exposition that was wrapping up it's last day in town on a day with the best weather we've had in weeks.  Oops.  A quick phone call confirmed that the 2 p.m. rodeo was sold out and we carried on with our original plans to hit the Bugs IMAX show, then the museum. 

I took lots of great photos while we were there...unfortunately most missed focus and I've decided it's time to send in my camera body for service while I'm in Vegas for two weeks next month.  I guess it's time after four good years. 

Hands down, this is the best photo I have of all four kids in one frame.  Not for lack of trying. 

Hands down, this is the best photo I have of all four kids in one frame.  Not for lack of trying. 

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