A zoo, a Sprinkle and a twinkle

It's been a terribly long two weeks.  (Wes agrees.)​ 

Before I left, I had the distinct pleasure - no, really - of chaperoning Ella's school field trip to the zoo.  It was FREEZING.  We had a great time despite the constant shivers, though, and I'm so glad I got to go.

The girls.​

The girls.​

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Experiencing tornado-like winds

Experiencing tornado-like winds

The lorakeet experience - hysterical! (And occasionally painful.)​

The lorakeet experience - hysterical! (And occasionally painful.)​

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Two days later, girlfriends gathered to celebrate the soon-to-be baby brother for a good friend. In the deep South, a Sprinkle equals something a little less formal than a Shower for a second or third child.

I miss seeing these girls as often as I used to.  ​

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Can't help but throw in the obligatory Cammie Cakes cupcake shot. ​

Can't help but throw in the obligatory Cammie Cakes cupcake shot. ​

Before heading off to my next destination (home for a 1/2 day!) baby B and I had a slumber party.  Ahhhh, so cute.  ​

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