Courtesy of the Amazing Mrs. Ross

It was a big morning today in our household!  A few weeks ago a friend and photographer I've come to know -- she taught the very first workshop I took over at Clickin Moms​ on natural light (oh, how she must have been shaking her head at my poor results three years ago) -- did a black & white lifestyle shoot at our home.  And this morning she shared the final images with us!  It was such a nice turnaround for a morning that starting with bathing dried puke out of the baby's hair at 5 a.m.

​Anyhoo, back to Beth Ross (you can find more of her beautiful work on her website) and the gorgeous photos she made.  She even got Michael to smile.  SMILE, I said.  She was patient and amazing and kind and fun. 

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There's about to be a few less blank walls around here.  THANK YOU, BETH! <3