It's been so long since posting, I had to log back into my site. I'm not sure that's ever happened, but I have good excuses! We're finally moved in (more on that in future posts), soccer started, T-ball begins tomorrow and my biggest event of the year loads in next week. Needless to say, things have been hoppin' around here.
Among my most favorite events of the past few weeks were the birth of our dear friends' son (I got to see him first!) and a long-overdue visit with my sister-in-law and baby Josh.
And oh! Baby Josh. He has come such a long, long way. Those eyes! And that sweet personality. He's going to be trouble for the ladies, I just know it. Fortunately, he's got parents who know how to handle the most incredible punches. They're already two steps ahead of him.
We had a very big day last weekend watching Ella play in her first soccer game. She was hopping and running all over the field with excitement -- it was impossible to watch her without a huge, goofy grin on our faces. After taking a freezing-cold soccer ball to the face while playing goalie during practice earlier in the week, I was so proud of her for getting back out there with gusto.
A little out of order, a glimpse of our first morning in the new house...
I'd say everyone's settling in pretty well. The new tub is sure getting a workout.