Pumpkins: Part Two

Much to Wes' dismay, the sun peeked out Sunday afternoon and we sneaked in our annual Christmas card shoot after all.  I've shared a few that didn't make the cut below.  Also, the lazy afternoon gave me a little time to edit some photos from the joint Nana-and-Wes birthday dinner the evening before so this post is not all pumpkins, y'all.

"Ra-ra, I understand you're watching Nana and Dada open cards, but I want to go over there.  Now, please." 

"Ra-ra, I understand you're watching Nana and Dada open cards, but I want to go over there.  Now, please." 

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I'm not ashamed to say that I bribed the kids with pumpkin carving festivities if they'd only sit still for some family photos.  It worked surprisingly well, actually.  Note to self...Brisket was more motivated by the treats Ella was holding just out of the frame, of course.

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Waiting on baby brother to wake up from his nap to take more photos is HARD. 

Waiting on baby brother to wake up from his nap to take more photos is HARD. 

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That's it.  No more with faces until Christmas cards arrive.  ;) 

Onto the main event.  Henry's wondering why I'm no longer doing his dirty work for him.   

Onto the main event.  Henry's wondering why I'm no longer doing his dirty work for him.   

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