With Henry's stubbornness (that's my official diagnosis) to run, play and jump at the same rate as his same-aged pals, we've been a little slower to introduce solid foods that are more complex than a puree. When a report came home from school saying he'd had pizza and corn for lunch (!!!!!!!!!) we decided maybe we could carefully start him on some flavored puffs at home. (You parents of toddlers out there know which ones I'm talking about.) We've had some varied success with those, and even more success getting his new teachers to follow his feeding plan.
With the puffs introduction behind us, we tried some crackers at dinner last night. And bananas at lunch today. And a rib at dinner tonight. No, seriously.
At this rate, the kid'll have steak for breakfast tomorrow. What was that about our plan to go slowly?
You can't see it here, but he's grabbed the spoon from me and won't give it back. "I've got this, Mom. Hand over the rest of the goods."
I can't tell you how much this makes my heart ache for the day we can have a puppy again. I can just see him or her waiting patiently by Henry's high chair for all kinds of yum-yums.
Mmm, Fox Brothers.