The 4th

Skipping the usual crowds, we highly recommend the private-house-with-dock approach to vacationing through the 4th of July.  Poppa and Gigi sure know how to do it right. 

Below are a few of my favorites from the week.  You can see the full set if you click here. (I'm trying out DropBox as a MobileMe Gallery alternative.  Let me know what you think.)

Henry, for one, had no concerns about us getting packed and out of the house on time.  He was quite leisurely, in fact.

 What's the 4th without some pyrotechnics in the hands of young children?


Playing "pirates" with the jet ski lifts was a favorite every day.

This girl loves to fish and apparently has no qualms about grabbing the fish.  We couldn't keep her out of the worms container either.  So proud.

There was a rumor Henry didn't like (kind of completely hated) his infant life "vest."  Not true.  Would that smile lie?

I can't remember what the conversation was here, but I'm guessing Michael's response was something along the lines of "nope, nope, nope."